Tuesday, September 21, 2010

African American Fabrics: Art Studio Make-Over for less than $50

Whew!! I did it!! Finally got all my stuff in one 10' x 14' room. An trust me, I got some stuff!! If you work in many art mediums you can certainly relate to my dilemma.  However, storage for a thrifty artist can be very costly!! It can run in the thousands of dollars. So, how did I do this for less than $50? Patience, a good eye and lots of beggin'!!

I got the 4 Ikea EFFEKTIV systems from my job, during a office makeover. It helps to have a transportation ready to go on the spot when people want to get rid of things. Cost: FREE!!!

one of the cabinets w/ organized fabric

The Elfa/Ikea basket systems were all collected from thrift store

s, freebie craiglist and freecycle.org. I waited for 50% day at the thriftstores to grab the baskets (usually priced at about $2-4). Had to post on craigslist and freecycle that I need wire basket systems (in any condition). You'd be surprised what I was able to get. Sometimes people get rid of these cause that just don't like them, or feel like the don't "look" good over time...so, I just wiz over and take them off their hands. Cost: $15 in all over time

The drafting tabletop I got free, because I volunteered at a nonprofit thrift store. Hint: it pays to volunteer :).

The Ikea NORDEN gateleg table at $179, was a Mothers Day gift. Cost: Free

A complete closet system with two pantry wired systems (for cans)--which I am using for paints and mediums; storing more fabric and large canvases. I got the storage system from freecycle.org from someone upgrading their closets. Cost: about $20 at hardware store for adapting for my purpose and lots of sweat!!

CLICK on the photo to see better image.
In this room for storage, I required:
  • 4 double stacked wire basket runners--housing a total of 26 baskets in various depths. photos shows two.
  • 4 storage units for files, fabric and all those art equipment gadgets (paper cutter, xyron, iron, and other embellishment thingies).
  • 1 drop gate-leg table withsix drawers.
  • 1 closet system for paints and mediums, plus shelving for oversized fabrics

My swatch testing area.
Note paper swatch of soon to be fabric
What I have learned from this process...If you anit too proud to beg  and can haul... you will be greatly rewarded.


  1. I enjoy looking at sewing or craft studios. It always gives me new ideas about possibilities for my own. Your studio seems to house effectively your essential tools. I love your wire baskets. We don't have an Ikea store in Huntington , but I did luck up on some at an Awesome Deals store last year. I'd love to have more and you given me several ideas to consider as I search. Dee

  2. Thanks Dee J. I am glad to hear my space has inspired. I took another look at these baskets and I think they are from a hog pog of places including home depot, the container store and ikea. So it seems they all work together. Also, check out www.freecycle.org to see if there is an online group in your area. Good hunting in Huntington :)!!

  3. omg! looks just like my sister's studio! thought i had stumbled into her blog by accident!

    yall quilters is an eerie clan!

  4. to upfromsumdirt--LOL!!Yeah...we got so much stuff, it takes a strange mind to tame it. BTW, love your blog!!

  5. Like your blog!, I invite you to visit mine: http://mapiurka.blogspot.com/
    Best regards from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
