Friday, September 24, 2010

African American Fabrics:Dreadlock Sistah Quilted Tote

You all may remember my previous post Quilt in Progress Dread Sistha. Well, I finally finished the quilting and have used it to make a few totes. I just love the way these turned out. Unfortunately, I had to use my phone camera to capture this shot. --Lost my camera!!
The purse handle was upcycled from a thrift store purse. I am using my Exclusive, Spoonflower Afro Graphic and Blues Ladies fabric , some commercial fabrics, hand dyed fabrics and my DYI digital printed fabrics (see previous post on how to print fabric on your printer).


  • Quilted

  • Hand Painted

  • Digital Printed fabric

  • Vinyl Cover Bottom

  • Upcycled Lacquer Handles

  • Approx 20" Deep

  • Approx 12"Wide


  1. Cute tote. So unique and definitely and conversational piece. BTW- Love your welcome address.

  2. Thanks Sis!! I also, made my daughter a huge tote from this piece. I don't know if you noticed, but the has the tops of the cornrowed heads on it. Adding a nice geometric element of surprise.
    As for my welcome address...i appreciate you noting it. see u around the "net". -Kweli

  3. Hi,
    In reading your welcome, I see I have done somewhat the same thing. Was searching for some fabric to make a quilt for my goddaughter from a design I saw on someone else's post. I just love the quilt, it's a paperdoll quilt, but I wanted it with an afro american doll. After searching for about an hour, with no success,I might add, your site came up. How elated am I!! Beautiful, unique fabrics with people who look like me. Loving this!!! But I still don't see exactly what I'm looking for for this particular project, but most certainly am pleased with your fabric designs for some others I have in mind.
