Friday, August 31, 2012

African American Fabrics: What's Your Brand? A Teenager's Response

Why are teenagers attracted to logos and brands? I can't answer that question, but after spending time with my granddaughter I am learning more about her values.  Surprisingly, just asking her the questions about her values with a genuine and heartfelt interest, she shared the following with me.  She values:

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Happiness and Joy
  • Imagination, Creativity and Exploration
  • The Planet and Nature
  • School, Education and Success
Of course, we talked about fashion and other things that take up her time--like electronic and the cell phone. But, honestly she seemed clear about the fact that those things aren't a representation of her values. She simply obsess with them to connect to what she values.

That was a true eye-opener!!

These are her labels. She made these while helping me develop a NEW class for teenagers "What's Your Brand". A class to help teens rethink branding and focus on values and affirmations.

Learn more about me at

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