Saturday, August 25, 2012

African American Fabrics: Where do you get Your Inspiration??

Tapping Cultural Inspiration
A Muse for African American Quilters and Fiber Artist


The creative process holds all the possibilities for tapping your cultural expression and offers a world of possibilities for inspiration. The trick is a thoughtful indulgence which explores all cultural sources of inspiration and purposefully drawing upon them.  Whether you are designing a quilt, creating a unique fiber work or design a digitally rendered textile, the techniques in this article will give you the basics for crafting a work from cultural inspiration. Cultural inspiration is a chance to explore what culture means to you. I encourage you to research and discover African American history, tradition and contemporary influences. For me, culturally inspired art is my time to make an artistic “mark” resulting from the research, reflection and pondering of African Americans as a people. As I contemplate the meaning of this history’s influence on me and my worldview.

My hope is to inspire you to use African American culture, traditions and history as a source for creating your own style of designing, one that is completely distinct from anyone else’s. Once unleashed, you will discover that finding inspiration will become second nature, a fluid motion of discovery waiting to be created in to an invaluable treasure. A work you will enjoy designing, creating and sharing from your soul. I will provide you with samples 0f my own art and inspirational anecdotes to guide you toward creating your own style.

People often ask me, “How do you go about gathering inspiration for creating African American specific fabric designs?”  “How can I use my cultural experience and ethnic traditions as a muse for inspiration and design?” “Where should I start?” Or, “How did you do that?”
Throughout this article, I share worksheets, various photos, concepts, links online content and images that positively challenge you to look within and around you for inspiration, design ideas and project. This article is a guide and a series of activities designed to support design inspiration. There are also tips about presentation and the organization of your resources.
I hope that though these exercises, you discover what African American culture means to you and how to integrate it into your everyday creativity. Keep experimenting and striving to find your own style. There is no right or wrong way to unite culture inspiration and art-just start.

Discovering sources for African American inspiration

As artist we face an undeniable truth: our wells of inspiration are bound to run dry from time to time. It is during these periods of imaginative downtime, we seek out sources that can help us return the creative flow to our working process, and get us “back in the game.” But when we need a quick recharge, where do we turn? Many of us have our favorite “go-to” places when we are victim to creative drought. What makes culture inspiration even more challenging for the African American artist, is the additional pressures of finding inspiration in what is seemingly a limited source. I have listed a sample of culture attributes that can point you in the direction of a good starter for sparking a light in your creative fire. Start an inspiration journal by taking notes as I act as your tour guide through this artistic recharge.

Here is a list of some areas for sources for African American culture, history or traditions.

Architecture, Art, Artifacts, Beliefs

Ceremonies, Clothing, Communities, Customs

Dance, Diversity, Festivals, Food

Games, Music, Stories, Tools, Traditions

Follow to con't PART II... in the meantime Follow AFRICAN AMERICAN FABRICs on FACEBOOK

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