Monday, November 1, 2010

African American Fabrics: Spoonflower Designer Receives 2010 Committee on Multiethnic Concerns Think Tank Scholarship

WadingWater- A Fabric AVAILABLE
I am honored to inform  everyone that Kweli Kitwana, African American Fabrics is a recipient of the 2010 Committee on Multiethnic Concerns Think Tank Scholarshi. This critical National Think Tank will take place in Baltimore Maryland November 11-14, 2010, as an historic event.
COMC Think Tank participate are creating a national clearinghouse for art educators to use as a tool for creating culturally responsive classrooms.  As a recipient of the COMC Think Thank scholarship, it is anticipated  Kweli serve, among other scholars and artist in the creation and the development of curriculum design or a paper for publication. The major aim of this think tank is to collaborate with colleagues in order to improve curriculum, instruction and assessment in visual art classrooms globally. 

More Info:

MICA's Center for Race and Culture (CRC) will host THINK TANK-2010 and Beyond: New Directions in African American Art - Transformative Aesthetic Curriculum Design, Thursday, Nov. 11-Sunday, Nov. 14 in MICA's Falvey Hall, located in the Brown Center, 1301 W. Mount Royal Ave. THINK TANK is a thought leadership conference for higher education and K-12 educators with a focus on interdisciplinary approaches. It is part of an initiative sponsored by the MICA's CRC in conjunction with the National Art Education Association (NAEA) Issues Group, Committee on Multiethnic Concerns.
The THINK TANK event-inspired by MICA's recent landmark conference, Transformations: New Directions in Black Art, in October 2009-will explore in-depth new directions in the field of African-American art and aesthetics, especially topics related to curriculum design that directly impacts K-12 art education programs. The core topics from the Transformations conference, which set the stage for current discussions, include relationships to the community, digital technological approaches to artistic production as they impact this community, contributions from the vanguard of MacArthur scholars and a vision for critical thinking.

To Attend visit :


  1. I love your blog and your fabrics, will be ordering soon. Finally!!!! what I have wished for in my head, appears, God has blessed you with very special talents!!

  2. LOL!! Thanks!!rebalabat, it is the inspiration of the many quilters,fashion designers and crafters like yourself, that have given me an amazing platform for expressing the beautiful traditions, culture and celebration of the African American. Keep inspiring me...don't be shy.

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