Thursday, October 14, 2010

African American Fabrics: Looking for a Challenge

Free Floating-A fabric about freeing the mind AVAILABLE SOON

African American Fabrics in looking for some inspiration!! Do you have a fabric theme idea? Or, a fabric need for a specific project? Have you been looking for a fabric with a particular person or special event in mind?
Send  African American Fabrics your idea. It's critical that your voice is heard.  You may have noticed, there is a serious movement taking place. The mission and vision of African American Fabrics, is to create a vast collection of contemporary African American theme fabrics. Fabrics that bring the African American history, culture and traditions to the "surface".
Together we can build a strong record African American images in textile. A positive collection, that counter balances and ultimately surpass the negative stereo-types of the "mammies and coons" currently representing African Americans in textiles images. Do your part by sending your ideas and sharing this link.

1 comment:

  1. African american in the military, buffalo solders riding buffalos, marching in every branch of the military.
    black babies such as the cabbage patch kids.(make nice baby quilts)
    black mermaids, fairies, and angels.
